In high school I never really valued art. I saw it as a waste of time, and so even though I always loved fashion I graduated from Monash University in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science. I still wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life, but after traveling I knew in my heart it wasn't science. One day I was crying on my bed when I looked up to the ceiling and said, "I surrender. Please help me."
Soon after this I started meditating. At first I didn't experience much, but by watching my thoughts I realised how fear had been holding me back my whole life and stopped me following my heart. I made a conscious decision to defy the ego and follow my heart. I got back into sewing and my other creative outlets and started to value art as a way of uncovering and understanding who I was. This is where MEW was born. MEW stands for Madison Eileen Williams. It is my initials, or my name. I do everything in this business and run it entirely by myself.
My original plan was to sell the clothes I made myself, and I became obsessed with sewing tracksuits from my kitchen bench in Torquay, Geelong. I then decided to get one tracksuit manufactured overseas, and this is where the Rugrat was born.
What I've learnt about purpose is it isn't one particular thing. Your purpose is the Journey inwards, the journey to self discovery, and jobs are just a consequence of this. Your purpose is YOU.
MEW Clothing is about the Journey of following your heart and uncovering who you are. It is about freeing yourself - from your mind, from the fear that holds you back, from the fear of rejection that stops you from expressing yourself. Set yourself Free.
For the full story, check out Journey to the Centre of the Self. To keep up with my personal Journey as I walk this path, sign up to our Mewsletter as I write about what I learn. You can also follow us @mewclothing_. If you are reading this, you are now a part of my Journey, so thank you.
Image 'Mew in her Stu" taken 15 Oct 2020 in Torquay.